Ancona, April 18-21, 2012


The deadline for abstract submission is over. Abstract acceptance notifications will be sent by the organizing committee.
The deadline for registering is April 2.


Please fill in the following form:

Pursuant to article 13 of d.Lgs. 196/2003 (The Italian data privacy code), the "Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche (D.I.I.S.M.)", the holder ("Titolare") of the data processing activity, informs you that your personal data communicated by this registration form will be processed manually or by computer and will be utilised to the sole purpose of performing the activities concerning your registration and participation to the conference. If you refuse to give said data, it will not be possible to proceed with your registration. The data could be sent to the conference Secretariat for the activities related to the current and future editions of the conference. You are entitled to exert the rights provided under article 7 and following of the Italian data privacy code. More specifically, you shall be able to obtain from the principal, that your data will be placed at your disposal in an easy reading way. You shall also be entitled to obtain the erasure, the anonymization or the blocking of those data which have been processed unlawfully, the updating, rectification or where interested therein, the integration of the same data; you shall also be entitled to object, on legitimate grounds, the processing of your personal data, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection.


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