Ancona, April 18-21, 2012

The Department of Ingegneria Industriale and Scienze Matematiche is at Polo Montedago, Via Brecce Bianche, 33 at quote 155 and 160. Here there are the indications to reach the Department

  1. Punti elencoFrom the train station: Please get on the bus 1/4 just in front of the train station exit (direction”Tavernelle”) and get off at the final stop. Then walk along the climb (about 10 minutes) or get on the bus 46 till the stop of the University

  1. Punti elencoFrom Ancona Airport: Please get on the bus Linea J till the train station, then follow the previous step

  1. Punti elencoFrom Piazza Cavour in the center of  the city: Please get on the bus 46 and get off in the front of the University