L. Demeio and M. Tessarotto, Kinetic instabilities in the solar wind
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L. Demeio and A. Nocentini, Stati stazionari di un plasma di tipo tokamak
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di Meccanica Statistica e Fisica del Plasma, Trieste 1979, Ed. CLUET, Trieste,
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L. Demeio and A. Nocentini, A new pseudo-classical transport theory
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L. Demeio and A. Nocentini, On the compatibility of ignition with sputtering
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M. Tessarotto and L. Demeio, Role of finite aspect-ratio in collisional
transport theory, Proc. Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid and
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- GNFM, 555 (1984).
L. Demeio and F. Engelmann, Runaway effects induced by electron cyclotron
waves, Proc. Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid and Plasma Dynamics,
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L. Demeio and F. Engelmann, Velocity space diffusion of electrons induced
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1985, 238 (1985).
L. Demeio and F. Engelmann, Electron runaway effects induced by electron
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L. Demeio and F. Engelmann, Velocity space diffusion of electrons induced
by a beam of electron cyclotron waves of finite size in toroidal geometry,
Plasma Physics, 28, 1851 (1986).
L. Demeio, Numerical simulations of Vlasov plasmas, Proc. NATO Adv.
Res. Workshop, ``Physical processes in hot cosmic plasmas", Vulcano, Italy,
May 29, June 2, 1989, 141 (1989).
L. Demeio and P. F. Zweifel, Numerical simulations of perturbed Vlasov
equilibria, Physics of Fluids B, 2, 1252 (1990).
L. Demeio, A numerical study about the existence of BGK modes near a
maxwellian equilibrium, Proc. 11th Intern. Transp. Theory Conf., Blacksburg,
VA, U.S.A., May 1989 in ``Operator Theory: Advances and Applications" 51,
109 (1991).
B. Shizgal and L. Demeio, Comparison of WKB and SWKB solutions of Fokker-Planck
equations with exact results; application to electron thermalization,
Canadian Journal of Physics, 69, 712 (1991).
L. Demeio and J. P. Holloway, Numerical simulations of BGK modes,
Journal of Plasma Physics, 46, 63 (1991).
L. Demeio, The inclusion of collisional effects in the splitting scheme,
Journal of Computational Physics, 99, 203 (1992).
L. Demeio, Numerical simulations of BGK modes in Maxwellian plasmas,
Proc. 1st Symposium on Plasma Dynamics, Trieste, Italy, June 26-28, 1991.
Ed. M. Tessarotto, Consorzio di Magnetofluidodinamica, Trieste University,
Italy (1992).
J. Barrett, L. Demeio and B. Shizgal, Coulomb Milne problem, Physical
Review A, 45, 3687 (1992).
K. Kowari, L. Demeio and B. Shizgal, Electron degradation and thermalization
in $CH_4$ gas; a comparison of the Spencer-Fano equation and the Boltzmann
equation, Journal of Chemical Physics, 97, 2061 (1992).
L. Demeio and B. Shizgal, A WKB/SWKB approach to time dependent nucleation,
11th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, July 26-31 1992.
L. Demeio and B. Shizgal, Time dependent nucleation II. A semiclassical
approach, Journal of Chemical Physics, 98, 5713 (1993).
L. Demeio and B. Shizgal, A uniform WKB approach to electron transport
in molecular gases, Journal of Chemical Physics, 99, 7638 (1993).
L. Demeio and L. Monchick, Collision kernels for the Waldmann-Snider
equation: generalization to gas mixtures, Physica A 214, 95
L. Demeio, S. Green and L. Monchick, Effects of velocity changing collisions
on line shapes of HF in Ar, Journal of Chemical Physics, 102,
9160 (1995).
L. Demeio and G. Frosali, Effects of short-range binary collisions on
the stability properties of longitudinal plasma waves, Proc.
III Congresso Nazionale della SIMAI, Salice Terme, PV, 27-31 Maggio 1996,
p. 526.
L. Demeio and G. Frosali, Effects of short-range binary collisions on
the stability properties of longitudinal plasma waves, Internal Report
N. 7/1996, Dip. di Matematica ``V. Volterra", Universita' degli Studi di
L. Demeio, Linear stability of the spatially homogeneous equilibria
of the Vlasov-Poisson system with collisions, Reports on Mathematical
Physics, 40, 455 (1997).
L. Demeio, G. Frosali Diffusion approximations of the Boltzmann equation:
comparison results for linear model problems, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena,
Suppl. Vol. XLVI, 653-675 (1998).
J. Banasiak, L. Demeio Quasi steady-state solutions of kinetic equations
in runaway regime, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics {\bf 28} (1),
1-29 (1999).
L. Demeio Multiple time scale analysis of runaway phenomena, Transport
Theory and Statistical Physics, 27 (3-4), 333 (1998).
L. Demeio, G. Frosali Asymptotic analysis of kinetic equations in runaway
regime, Proc. XIII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Siena, 29/9-3/10/1997,
vol. I, pag. 95, Ed. ETS.
L. Demeio, G. Frosali, Approximate solutions of kinetic equations in
runaway regime, Proc. IX Int. Conf. on Waves and Stability in Cont.
Media, Bari (Italy), October 6-11, 1997, Suppl. Rend. Cir. Mat. Palermo
Serie II, N. 57, 211-216 (1998).
L. Demeio, Laplace transform approach to runaway phenomena, Internal
Report N. 1/1998, Dipartimento di Matematica ``V. Volterra", Universita'
degli Studi di Ancona.
L. Demeio e G. Frosali, Approssimazioni diffusive di equazioni cinetiche
con collisioni elastiche e dinelastiche: un confronto tra scalature diverse,
Proc. IV Congresso Nazionale della SIMAI, Giardini Naxos (ME), 1-5
Giugno 1998, vol. 2, p. 316.
L. Demeio, M. Manassero e D. Sani, Modelli matematici degli esperimenti
di trasporto di sostanze inquinanti: studio numerico dell'equazione di
diffusione, Proc. IV Congresso Nazionale della SIMAI, Giardini
Naxos (ME), 1-5 Giugno 1998, vol. 2, p. 320.
L. Demeio, D. Sani and M. Manassero, A numerical method for the solution
of the diffusion equation in multilayered systems, Internal Report
N. 5/1998, Dipartimento di Matematica ``V. Volterra", Universita' degli
Studi di Ancona.
J. Banasiak, L. Demeio, Diffusion approximations of kinetic equations
with inelastic scattering: asymptotic analysis and numerical results,
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 28 (5), 475-498 (1999).
L. Demeio and G. Frosali, Different scalings in the asymptotic analysis
of kinetic equations with elastic and inelastic scattering, Internal
Report N. 2/1999, Dipartimento di Matematica ``V. Volterra", Universita'
degli Studi di Ancona.
L. Demeio, A numerical study of linear and nonlinear superpositions
of BGK modes, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 30 (4-6),
457-470 (2001).
L. Demeio, Collisional relaxation of undamped plasma waves, Proc.
4th International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Edinburgh, GB, July 5 - 9 1999, ICIAM99, p. 253.
L. Demeio and G. Frosali
Theoretical and numerical comparison of hydrodynamic limits for kinetic
equations with elastic and inelastic scattering, Proc. X Int. Conf.
on Waves and Stability in Cont. Media, Vulcano (Messina-Italy), June 7 - 12, 1999,
p. 146-158, World Scientific (2001).
L.Demeio and G.Frosali, Diffusion limits of the linear
Boltzmann equation in extended kinetic theory: weak and
strong inelastic collisions, Rend. Seminario Univ.
Milano, Vol. LXIX 51-81(1999-2000)
L. Demeio and D. Sani, Multiple time scale analysis of water-salts coupled
flow transport equations, Internal Report N. 4/2000, Dipartimento
di Matematica ``V. Volterra", Universita' degli Studi di Ancona.
L. Demeio and D. Sani, A proposed model for water-salts coupled flow
transport equations, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,
December 2000, in press.
L. Demeio, L. Barletti, P. Bordone and C. Jacoboni, Wigner function
for multiband transport in semiconductors,
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 32 (3-4), 321-339 (2003) (Special issue with Proceedings
of the 12th International
Conference on Transport Theory, London, July 8-14, 2001).
L. Demeio, L. Barletti, A. Bertoni, P. Bordone and C. Jacoboni, Wigner-function
approach to multiband transport in semiconductors, Physica B, 314
, 104-107 (2002) (Special issue with Proceedings
of the 12th International
Conference on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors, Santa Fe,
August 27-31, 2001).
L. Barletti, L. Demeio, Wigner-function approach to multiband transport
in semiconductor devices, Proc. VI Congresso Nazionale SIMAI, Chia Laguna (CA-Italy)
May 27 - 31, 2002.
L. Demeio, Perturbative approach to Quantum BGK Modes, Proc. VI
Congresso Nazionale SIMAI, Chia Laguna (CA-Italy) May 27-31, 2002.
L. Demeio, P. Bordone and C. Jacoboni, Numerical and analytical applications of multiband
transport in semiconductors, Proc. XXIII Symposium on Rarefied Gas
Dynamics, Whistler, BC, Canada, July 20-25, 2002, pp. 92-98 (AIP Conference
Proceedings vol. 663, New York, 2003).
L. Demeio, P. Bordone and C. Jacoboni, Multi-band,
non-parabolic Wigner-function approach to
electron transport in semiconductors,
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 34(7), 499-522 (2005).
L. Demeio, Splitting-scheme Solution of the Collisionless
Wigner Equation with Non-Parabolic Band
Profile,Journal of Computational Electronics,
2, 313-316 (2003) (Special issue with Proceedings
of the 9th International Workshop on Computational Electronics,
Monte Porzio Catone (Roma), May 25-28, 2003).
L. Demeio, P. Bordone and C. Jacoboni Numerical simulation
of an intervalley transition by the Wigner-function approach,
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 19, 1-3 (2004) (Special issue
with Proceedings of the 18th International
Conference on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors, Modena,
July 28 - August 1, 2003).
S. Lenci, L. Demeio and M. Petrini, Some aspects of the non-smooth
dynamics of an impacting inverted pendulum,Proc. 5th Euromech
Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ENOC-2005, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, August 7-12 2005 (submitted).
S. Lenci, L. Demeio and M. Petrini, Response scenario and non-smooth
features in the nonlinear dynamics of an impacting inverted pendulum,
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 1, 56-64 (2005).
L. Demeio, Quantum Corrections to Classical BGK Modes in Phase Space,
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics,
36 (1-3), 137-158 (2007).
L. Demeio and S. Lenci, Asymptotic analysis of chattering oscillations
for an impacting inverted pendulum,59, 419-434 (2006)
L. Barletti, L. Demeio and G. Frosali, Multiband quantum
transport models for semiconductor devices,
in: Transport Phenomena and Kinetic Theory, Applications to Gases,
Semiconductors, Photons and Biological Systems, Eds. C. Cercignani, E.
Gabetta, 55-89, Birkhauser, Boston (2007).
O. Morandi and L. Demeio, Simulation of the Rashba Effect in a Multiband Quantum Structure,
Journal of Computational Electronics, 6(1-3), 231-234 (2007)
L. Demeio and S. Lenci, Forced nonlinear oscillations of semi-infinite
cables and beams resting on a unilateral elastic
Nonlinear Dynamics 49,203-215 (2007).
O. Morandi and L. Demeio, A Wigner-function approach to interband transitions based on the
multiband-envelope-function model, Transport Theory and Stat. Phys.37, 437-459 (2008)
L. Demeio and S. Lenci, Second-order solutions for the dynamics of a
semi-infinite cable on a unilateral substrate, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 315, 414-432 (2008)