General Considerations
The study of the time dependent transport properties of contaminants
migrating through mineral barriers is a fundamental theoretical aspect
of many geotechnical problems. Of particular importance is the
determination of the chemical, water, electric and heat flows, which
are driven by chemical, hydraulic, electric and temperature gradients,
respectively. The main objective of these studies is the determination
of the transport coefficients which relate the fluxes to the gradients.
Water flow has been extensively studied
because of its important role in problems of seepage, consolidation and stability.
Chemical, thermal and electrical flows in soils are
also important, especially in ground and groundwater pollution, waste disposal
and storage,
remediation of contaminated sites, dredging and management
of dredged material, and many other environmental
problems. Results for simplified models are present in the literature.
In (1) and (2), we propose a transport model for the migration of
contaminant through mineral barriers in presence of chemical and
water gradients, and investigate its implications by obtaining an approximate
solution of the transport equations, based on a multiple time scale
expansion. We assume that no electrical or temperature gradients are present in the
system and that all dissolved species move together, so that the chemical flow is
not separated into its anionic and cationic components.
L. Demeio and D. Sani, Multiple time scale analysis of water-salts coupled
flow transport equations,
Internal Report N. 4/2000, Dipartimento
di Matematica "V. Volterra", Universita' degli Studi di Ancona.
L. Demeio and D. Sani, A proposed model for water-salts coupled flow
transport equations, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,
December 2000, in press.