General Considerations

The inverted pendulum is used in the modelling of several engineering applications, such as rings, printers, machine tools, dynamics of rigid standing structures, mooring buoy, moored vessels in a harbour against stiff fenders, rolling railway wheelset. Impact oscillators have also applications in the emerging field of micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS). Furthermore, one prosiming application is in the field of impact dampers, which are nowadays used in several fields, including mechanical and civil applications, to reduce high-amplitude vibrations of a principal structure to be protected. The mechanisms of protection consist in energy dissipation or in frequency shifting, and impact dampers are sometimes preferred to classical viscous dampers due to their simplicity, reliability, and easyness of maintenance. Examples of structures which can be safely protected by impact dampers are cutting tools, turbine blades, tall flexible structures like chimneys, antennas, traffic-lights, scaffolding: here the impact damper is successfully used to suppress high frequency modes caused by vortex shedding. The use of a passive impact damper is limited due to its ineffectiveness for broadband excitation. To overcome this limitation, control of the dynamics of impact dampers has been proposed, both by on-line control algorithms or by a "on-off" control technique. Also control of chaos techniques, exploiting the nonlinear characteristics of the dynamics, have been applied. An impact damper based on the inverted pendulum is able to overcome the previous drawback by a passive mechanism. In fact, its main characteristic is that it has no internal frequencies, so it can work well, at least in principle, on a broad range of frequencies. Another distinguished characteristic is that it has an activation threshold before it starts to dissipate, below which the pendulum rests on the lateral barrier. Accordingly, if properly tuned, it starts to work only when the vibrations of the main structure overcome a certain threshold, namely, it (automatically) activates only when necessary. The previous properties are very useful in many applications, and call for an extended analysis of the dynamical response of the systems, which is the main objective of the present work. However, this not the unique motivation for this analysis. In fact, the inverted pendulum represents an archetype of a family of impacting oscillators whose dynamics possesses some specific phenomena, such as chattering and multistability, which are of theoretical interest per se. It is worth noting that, due to the negative stiffness, the well known "grazing" bifurcation, due to a "soft" approch of the mass toward the walls, is not common for this softening non-smooth systems, while being characteristic of hardening non-smooth systems. Indeed, it has been observed only in few, very specific pathological situations, not of interest for the present work. The role of grazing in characterizing the non-smooth response is here assumed by chattering.


A systematic numerical investigation of the nonlinear dynamics of a simple impact damper has been performed. The periodic attractors scenario has been considered first. It has been determined by studying the range of existence of the main stable cycles by the combined use of numerical basins of attraction and bifurcation diagrams. Attention was focused on local and global, classical and non-classical bifurcations that lead to the attractors-basins metamorphoses. The periodic attractors map has been discussed and illustrated in detail, and it has been shown how in a certain region of the parameters space the multistability of several periodic attractors, of various period and both confined and scattered, is common, while in other regions only one cycle is observed. This provides a large flexibility in view of practical applications, permitting to choose different regions of behaviour according to required different performances. The chattering appearing just at the end of the rest position, which is the main characteristic non-smooth phenomena of this class of non-resonant oscillators, was then investigated. Some attempts have been made to estimate the time length of chattering, which also provides information on the disappearing of chattering for increasing values of the excitation amplitude. Finally, the occurence of robust chaotic attractors, the third class of observed attractors, has been studied. Two different qualitative behaviours, one for small and one for large frequencies, have been observed and described in detail. The transition from confined to scattered chaotic attractors through a boundary crisis related to the homoclinic bifurcation of the hilltop saddle has been illustrated by an example. Various developments of the present investigation can be sought and appear to be worthy. Among others, we quote a better understanding of the chattering behaviour, possibly by using abstract analytical tools, and the extension to more generic excitations, which are more realistic and arises in the field of chaos control.
  1. S. Lenci, L. Demeio and M. Petrini, Response scenario and non-smooth features in the nonlinear dynamics of an impacting inverted pendulum, Accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, April 2005.
  2. S. Lenci, L. Demeio and M. Petrini, Some aspects of the non-smooth dynamics of an impacting inverted pendulum,Proc. 5th Euromech Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ENOC-2005, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August 7-12 2005 (submitted).

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