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In this page you can find informations about the meeting (co)organized by the network, as well as about meeting of other
organizations, but with a subject relevant to the interest of our network. As a rule, the network will organize a major
conference (usually combined with a school for young people) at each six month during its four years of activity.

Network Events
Connected Events
Past Events
- Noncommutative Geometry, Martina Franca, Italy, September 4 - September 9, 2000, A Summer School organized
jointly by the network and the CIME (Centro Internazionale de Matematica Estivo). You can find here information about the participants and the program.
- Geometric Analysis, A Workshop organized by the network and the Clay Mathematical Institute, Potsdam, 1-7
October, 2000. You can look here if you want to see the anounce of the workshop,
the program and the list of participants.
- Noncommutative Geometry Between Mathematics and Physics, a
mini-workshop organised at Ancona, 23-24 February 2001. Program:
1. Ludwik Dabrowski -- Noncommutative principal bundles and connections
2. Thomas Krajewski -- Hopf algebras of Feynman diagrams
3. Giovanni Landi -- Noncommutative spheres and instantons
4. Nicolae Teleman -- Noncommutative geometry of singular spaces
5. Paul Blaga -- "Topological" Hochschild homology of
- Geometric Analysis and Index Theory, A Conference that was held in Trieste,
18-24 March, 2001, in
cooperation with the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). The web page of the
conference used to be here.
Anyway, a local version is kept here,
for future reference.
- Ellipticity and Parabolicity in Analysis and Geometry, a Workshop organised
at Potsdam, 20-24 August 2001, addressed especially to young mathematicians
interested in analysis, geometry and partial differential equations.
The organisers were: J.B. Gil (Philadelphia), Thomas Krainer (Potsdam),
B. Monthubert (Toulouse), A. Parmeggiani (Bologna), T. Schick (Münster) and
I. Witt (Potsdam). The web page can be accessed
here. A local version is kept here,
for further reference.
- Hopf algebras, renormalization, Riemann-Hilbert problem, a
Conference organized by the network at CIRM (Luminy, close to Marseille,
France), 10-14 September 2001. The scientific commitee included Alain
Connes and Dirk Kreimer. The web page is at http://www.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Rencontres2001/Rencontres2001.html.
You can find a local version at the page here.
- Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Groups, a Conference
organised in the Stefan Banach International Mathematical
Center at Warsaw, 17-29 September 2001. The organisers were: S. L. Woronowicz,
P. M. Hajac, and W. Pusz, all from Warsaw. The address of the web page of the conference,
with the list of participants and program, is http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~pmh/bc.html.
- Rencontre Marseille-Nice de Singularités, a workshop organized,
jointly, by the network and the IML (Institut Mathématique de Luminy) at
Luminy, Marseille (France), in the period 25-26 January 2002. Organizers:
J.-P. Brasselet (Luminy) and N. Teleman (Ancona). The web page of the
meeting, including the program, can be accessed here.
The LaTeX file including the program can, also, be downloaded from here.
- Rencontre de géométrie noncommutative, a conference in the honor
of Alain Connes, held at IHES, in 2-3 April 2002. The program can be find here.
- The mid-term review meeting of our network was held in IHES, Paris, between
3-4 April, 2002. You can see the program of the meeting, in html
or you can downloaded, as a Word file. You can,
also, see the list of participants in html
or you can downloaded it in Word.
- Conference on Operators, Non Commutative Geometry and Theoretical
Physics, Ancona, 8-10 July 2002, organized by Nicola Teleman (Università
degli Studi di Ancona). Participants: Matthias Lesch
(Universitaet Koeln), Markus Pflaum (Universitaet Frankfurt), Ludwik
Dabrowski (SISSA, Trieste), Giovanni Landi (SISSA, Trieste),
Paolo Piazza (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"), Stéphane
Vassout (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"). You
can find here the program of
the conference.
- Workshop on Discrete Groups and Analysis, Southampton 5-7th
September 2002, organized by Jacek
Brodzki and Ian Leary.
Among the participants (already confirmed), there are: Claire
Anantharaman-Delaroche, Paul Baum, Tadeusz Januszkiewicz, Jerry Kaminker,
Paul Mitchener, Ryszard Nest, Brita Nucinckis, Roger Plymen, Thomas Schick,
Jacek Swiatkowski, Nicola Teleman, Alain Valette, Andrzej Zuk. You can find
more information on the web page of the workshop, at
- International Conference in Geometry and Topology on Occasion of Two
Centenaries Anniversary of János Bolyai (1802-1860), Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, 1-5 October 2002.
- Operator Algebras on Manifold
with Singularities, a Spring School organized by the Institut fuer
Mathematik der Universitaet Potsdam, between March 17 and March 21st,
2003. The organizers were Markus
Klein, Elmar Schrohe
and Bert-Wolfgang Schulze.
The school gave surveys and introductions in the fields of
- boundary value problems
- operator algebras with symbolic structure
- operators on non-compact and singular manifolds
- analytic index formulas
- deformation quantization
You can find here further
information regarding this meeting.
- Geometry and Physics,
a Conference organized at CIRM, Luminy, 13--17 October 2003.
Eric Leichtnam (leicht@math.jussieu.fr)
Oscar Garcia-Prada (oscar.garcia-prada@uam.es)
The aim of this conference was to introduce non experts to recent developments in such topics
Invited speakers:
A. Connes, R. Dijkgraaf, J. Figueroa O'Farril, N. Hitchin,
D. Kreimer, H. Moscovici, N. Nekrasov, A. Schwarz, A. Weinstein.
This meeting was supported by the European Research Training Networks ``Geometric Analysis''
(http://dipmat.unian.it/rtn/) and ``European Differential Geometry
C*-algebras and elliptic theory,
a conference organized jointly by the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish
Academy of Sciences and the University of Warsaw, in the framework of the
"Geometric Analysis" network. The conference will be held at the
Banach Center from Bedlewo, Poland, between 23 and 28 February, 2004. The
organizers are Bogdan Bojarski, Grzegorz Lysik and Andrzej
The idea of the conference was conceived with active participation of Prof.
A.S. Mischchenko. The conference was an occasion to interact between the
RTN "Geometric Analysis", Moscow mathematicians and other
specialists in the subject.
Main topics:
- K-theory of C*-algebras,
- index theory
- algebras of pseudodifferential operators on singular manifolds,
- infinite Grassmannians and Fredholm pairs,
- deformation quantization
For further information, please refer to the web page of the conference, at
Operator Algebras, Singularities, Deformation
Quantization a conference organized by B.-W. Schulze in Potsdam, Germany, between 1-4 March, 2004The scientific committee included: U.
Bunke, B. Fedosov, E. Schrohe,
B.-W. Schulze and N. Teleman.
The main topics of the meeting were:
- Operator algebra aspects in PDE,
- Index theory on manifolds with singularities,
- Deformation Quantization
- Pseudo-differential and microlocal analysis,
- Non-linear parabolic and hyperbolic problems
The web
page of the conference can still be checked here.
XVIII. Analyse Géométrique,
March 15 - 19, 2004, CIRM, Luminy
Organizers: Matthias Lesch, Markus Pflaum
Scientific Committee:
Jean-Paul Brasselet, Eric Leichtnam, Paolo Piazza
Web Site
This was the final conference of the RTN network "Geometric
Major topics of the conference were
--index theory of geometrically defined operators,
--methods of noncommutative geometry in geometric analysis,
--geometric analysis in the presence of singularities,
--connections to mathematical physics, in particular quantization
--algebras of pseudodifferential operators on singular manifolds,
--infinite Grassmannians and Fredholm pairs.
Conformal Field Theory. An Introduction
Rome, March 26-28, 2003
The workshop will provide an introduction to various approaches to
Quantum Field Theory. A few experts will give introductory talks on their
own point of view, and it will also be the occasion for interaction
discussion among different researchers.
The main topics will be:
Vertex Operator Algebras
Conformal Field Theory with Boundary
Algebraic Conformal Field Theory
A tentative list of speakers is the following:
Sebastiano Carpi, Pescara
David Evans, Cardiff
Edward Frenkel, Berkeley
Jurgen Fuchs, Karlstad
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Tokyo
Henning Rehren, Göttingen
Augusto Sagnotti, Roma
Yasen Stanev, Roma
Valerio Toledano Laredo, Paris
The workshop will be held at the Department of Mathematics, University of
Rome ³Tor Vergata². Practical information and the scientific program
will be
People interested to participate should contact the organizers
Guido guido@mat.uniroma2.it
Longo longo@mat.uniroma2.it
Participants should find lodging accommodation by themselves.
- Conference in Algebraic Topology, 4-9 June 2001, Gdansk,
Poland, Organized by Stanislaw Betley (Warszawa), Tadeusz Kozniewski
(Warszawa), Stefan Jackowski (Warszawa), Adam Przezdziecki (Warszawa),
Andrzej Szczepanski (Gdansk). The web page can be accessed here.
- Characteristic
classes of singular varieties, a mini-school organized at the Banach
Center (Warsaw), by Andrzej Weber and Piotr Pragacz, from April 22 to
April 28, 2002. Invited speakers are Paolo Aluffi (MPI, Bonn) and Jörg
Schürman (Univ. Münster).
- Nichtkommutative Geometrie, Oberwolfwach, 24-30 March 2002,
organized by Alain Connes (Paris), Joachim Cuntz (Muenster) and Mark Rieffel
- Geometric Analysis and Singular Spaces, Oberwolfwach, 2-8 June
2002, organized by Jean-Michel Bismut (Orsay), Jochen Bruening (Berlin) and
Richard Melrose (Cambridge)
Other sources of informations about events
- The PhysNet
conference board, maintained by the European Physical Society, offers a list
of conferences, workshops and summer schools with the subject related
in a way or another to physics. There are a lot of events related to
mathematical methods of physics, so it is worth checking it.
- The Netlib
Conference Database contains information about upcoming conferences,
lectures, and other meetings relevant to the fields of mathematics and
computer science. The database can be either searched or browsed. You can,
also, announce your own events.
- Centre International de Rencontres
Mathématiques (CIRM) from Luminy (Marseille) organises periodical
meetings on different topics in mathematics.
- Here is a connection to Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, which is well known for the high quality
of workshops and schools.
- The Stefan Banach International
Mathematical Center, in Warsaw, is a regular host of important
mathematical meetings.
