Download: Final Program in PDF

Instructions for authors
Key lectures = 40 minutes, including discussion
Regular presentations = 20 minutes, including discussion
A PC with PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader will be available
You are allowed to use your personal laptop
If you need special tools for your presentation please inform the
organization in advance
You are kindly invited to check in advance your presentation in order
to overcome technical problems
Sunday 2 June 2013
19.00 Get together party – c/o Lab 52 (50 meters from the Colloquium
Monday 3 June 2013
8.00 Registration
9.30-9.50 Welcome
• Stefano Lenci – Euromech Colloquium Chairman
• Simone Ceresoni – Member of the City council of the City of Senigallia
• Marco Pacetti – Rector of the Polytechnic University of Marche
• Giovanni Latini – Former Dean of the
Faculty of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Marche
• Dario Amodio – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Marche
• Eric Deletombe – Onera, France – presentation of the European Project E-CAero
9.50-10.30 Key Lecture – Chairman: Jerzy Warminski
• Holm Altenbach and Victor Eremeyev, Analysis of Vibrations of FGM Plates Using the Direct Approach
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
Session “Impacts and friction” – Chairman: Jose' Manoel Balthazar
• Igor Andrianov and Alexey Porubov, Nonlinear dynamics of strains in composites under impact loading
• Mirosław Bocian, Krzysztof Jamroziak and Maciej
Kulisiewicz, An identification of nonlinear dissipative properties of
constructional materials at dynamical impact loads conditions
• Ivelin Ivanov and Tomasz Sadowski, Response of Laminated Glass to Low-Velocity Impact
• Enrico Babilio, Dynamics of an axially graded beam on elastic foundation
• Andrzej Stefanski, Synchronous properties of friction
12.40-14.40 Lunch – c/o Hotel City (200 meters from the Colloquium Venue)
Session “Continuum mechanics” – Chairman: Stefano Mariani
• Tomasz Sadowski, Mechanical response of two-phase ceramic matrix composites under compression
• Heiko Herrmann, Marika Eik, Viktoria Berg and Jari
Puttonen, Phenomenological and numerical constitutive modelling of
short fibre reinforced materials and control of fibre orientation
• Eduardo Saetta and Giuseppe Rega, Continuous
modeling and minimal dimension reduction for the nonlinear dynamics of
thermoelastic laminated plates
• M. Arif Hasan, S. Cho, K. Remick, Alexander
Vakakis, D.M. McFarland and W.M. Kriven, Nonlinear Acoustics of Highly
Discontinuous and Adaptive Metamaterials with Embedded Granular
• Tamara Nestorovic, Somu Shabadi, Dragan Marinkovic
and Miroslav Trajkov, Modelling of piezoelectric smart structures by
implementation of a user defined shell type finite element
16.20-16.50 Coffee break
Session “Theoretical developments” – Chairman: Igor Andrianov
• Kirill Vorotnikov and Yuli Starosvetsky, Nonlinear
response regimes of granular chains containing internal degrees of
• Eyal Buks, Forced and self-excited oscillations of an optomechanical cavity
• Michele Serpilli, Francoise Krasucki and Giuseppe
Geymonat, An asymptotic strain gradient Reissner-Mindlin plate model
• Bennamia Ismail and Badereddine Aimadeddine, Modal Analysis of a Model of Light Aircraft in Composite Beams
• Giovanni Lancioni, Non-linear behaviour of materials characterized by non-convex cohesive energies
Tuesday 4 June 2013
8.00 Registration
8.30-9.10 Key Lecture – Chairman: Mohammad Younis
• Claude-Henri Lamarque, Alireza Ture Savadkoohi and
Michael Naudan, Vibratory energy exchange between
Bouc-Wen type and nonlinear oscillators considering two special cases
Session “Dynamical systems” – Chairman: Stefano Lenci
• Viktor Avrutin, Laura Gardini and Irina Sushko, Codimension-2 border collision bifurcations in Lorenz maps
• Ichiro Ario, Multiple Duffing Oscillation in a Folding Structure with Hill-top Bifurcation
• Rafal Rusinek, Krzysztof Kecik, Andrzej Weremczuk
and Jerzy Warminski, Dynamics of Ueda's oscillator with time delay
• Jiri Naprstek and Cyril Fischer, Limit cycle stability of multi-degree of freedom dynamic non-linear systems
• Laura Ruzziconi, Mohammad Younis and Stefano Lenci,
Dynamical integrity for predicting the response in a MEMS device
10.50-11.20 Coffee break
Session “Energy transfer and vibration absorber” – Chairman: Angelo Luongo
• Thibaut Detroux, Luc Masset, Regis Viguie and
Gaetan Kerschen, Performance and Robustness of the Nonlinear Tuned
Vibration Absorber
• Itay Grinberg and Oleg Gendelman, Boundary for
Complete Set of Attractors for Damped-Forced Essentially Nonlinear
• Alexander Shaw, Simon Neild and David Wagg,
Analysis of the Motion Transmission of a Passive Vibration Isolator
Incorporating a Nonlinear Spring
• Ludovic Renson and Gaetan Kerschen,
A new computational method for nonlinear normal
modes of nonconservative systems
12.40-14.40 Lunch – c/o Hotel City (200 meters from the Colloquium venue)
Session “Beams and laminates 1” – Chairman: Tomasz Sadowski
• Angelo Luongo and Daniele Zulli, A nonlinear 1-dimensional model of layered cross-deformable tubular beams
• Jaroslaw Latalski, Fotios Georgiades and Jerzy
Warminski, Analysis of coupled vibrations of a nonlinear composite
rotating beam
• Igor Andrianov, Vladislav Danishevs’kyy and Dieter
Weichert, Numerical Study of Solitary Strain Waves in a Nonlinear
Elastic Layered Composite Material
• Stefano Mariani, Matteo Bruggi, Francesco Caimmi,
Paolo Bendiscioli and Marco De Fazio, Surface-mounted SHM system for
composite structures, featuring MEMS sensors and flexible PCBs
• Stefano Lenci and Francesco Clementi, Free vibration analyses of two-layer beam with shear deformability
16.20-16.50 Coffee break
Wednesday 5 June 2013
8.00 Registration
8.30-9.10 Key Lecture – Chairman: Giuseppe Rega
• Ekaterina Pavlovskaia, Marian Wiercigroch and James Ing, Grazing Induced Bifurcations
Session “Beams and laminates 2” – Chairman: Gaetan Kerschen
• Justin Murin, Mehdi Aminbaghai, Juraj Hrabovsky and Vladimir Kutis, Torsional free vibration of FGM beams
• Eulher Carvalho, Paulo Goncalves, Zenon Del Prado
and Giuseppe Rega, Nonlinear Nonplanar Vibration of a Functionally
Graded Box Beam
• Pedro Ribeiro, Hamed Akhavan and Jerzy Warminski,
Frequency response of variable stiffness composite laminated plates in
the non-linear regime: shooting with modes
• Emil Manoach, Anna Warminska and Jerzy Warminski,
Large Amplitude Vibrations of Timoshenko Beams with Delamination in
Thermal Environment
• Evgeny V. Lomakin, Ivan V. Sergeichev and Fedor K.
Antonov, Numerical assessment of residual strength of composite
structures subjected to low-velocity impact on the base of through-hole
10.50-11.20 Coffee break
Session “Pendula and bridges” – Chairman: Ichiro Ario
• Krzysztof Kecik, Andrzej Mitura and Jerzy
Warminski, Non-linear Dynamics and Magnetorheological Control of a
Pendulum System
• Daniil Yurchenko, Arvid Naess and Panagiotis
Alevras, Stochastic Dynamics of Two Interacting Pendulums Mounted on a
Heaving Platform
• Jose Sartorelli, B. Marin, F.A.C. Pereira, E. Colli
and W. Lacarbonara, Dynamics of a double pendulum with non-vertical
parametric excitation
• Andrea Arena, Walter Lacarbonara and Pier Marzocca,
Bifurcation behavior in long-span suspension bridges subject to flutter
• Sami Davtalab, Ko-Choong Woo, Cosmas Pagwiwoko and
Stefano Lenci, Nonlinear vibrations of an experimental bridge
13.00-15.00 Lunch – c/o Hotel City (200 meters from the Colloquium venue)
15.00 Bus leaving (at the Colloquium venue) for the social tour and social dinner
16.00-18.30 Visit to the famous Frasassi caves and to the Romanic
church of Genga (including visit to the small archaeological museum)
19.00 Social dinner at the Restaurant “Da Maria”, PieroSara, Genga (An)
21.00 Bus leaving for Senigallia
Thursday 6 June 2013
8.00 Registration
8.30-9.10 Key Lecture – Chairman Paulo Goncalves
• Oded Gottlieb, Giuseppe Habib, Emanuel Fainshtein
and Kai Wolf, Model-based estimation of nonlinear material properties
governing the dynamics and orbital stability of piezoelectric
microcantilever sensors
Session “Structural health monitoring and energy harvesting” – Chairman: Pedro Ribeiro
• Daniela Isidori, Francesco Clementi, Leonardo Soria
and Stefano Lenci, Structural Health Monitoring of smart structures:
Finite Element Model updating by using preliminary test data
• A. Abdelkefi, N. Barsallo, M. Hajj, L. Tang and Y.
Yang, Global Nonlinear Dynamics of Low-Frequency Ultra-Width
Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters
• Marek Borowiec, Grzegorz Litak and Stefano Lenci, Noise effected energy harvesting in a beam with stopper
• Miroslav Trajkov and Tamara Nestorovic, Norm-based
optimization of actuator and sensor placement for vibration control of
piezoelectric composite structures
• Pierpaolo Belardinelli, Stefano Lenci and Lucio
Demeio, A comparison of different semi-analytical
techniques to determine the nonlinear oscillations of a slender
10.50-11.20 Coffee break
Session “Control 1” – Chairman: Jiri Naprstek
• Jerzy Warminski, Andrzej Mitura and Marcin
Bochenski, A nonlinear saturation controller for a self-excited
composite beam driven by harmonic force
• H. Mercier des Rochettes, D. Joly, L. Buchaniek, P.
Leconte and Eric Deletombe, A New Concept of Composite Active Twist
Blade to Improve Helicopter Main Rotor Dynamics
• Alois Steindl, Optimal control
of the deployment and retrieval of a tethered satellite under small
• Jose' Manoel Balthazar, D. G. Bassinello, A. M.
Tusset, A. M. Bueno and B. R. de Pontes Junior, Nonlinear control in an
electromechanical transducer with chaotic behaviour
• Sara Casciati, Model order reduction approach for the control of nonlinear systems
13.00-15.00 Lunch – c/o Hotel City (200 meters from the Colloquium venue)
Session “Control 2” – Chairman: Alois Steindl
• Danuta Sado and Marek Pietrzakowski, Vibration
control of autoparametric system using MR dampers in the pendula joins
• Maria Neto, Jorge Ambrosio, Luis Roseiro and Ana Amaro, Active Vibration Control of a SAR Antenna
• Andrzej Mitura and Jerzy Warminski, Active Positive
Position Feedback Control for Composite Flexible Structures
• Jian Peng, Yueyu Zhao, Jianjun Ma, Lianhua Wang,
Xianzhong Xie, Effect of time delay on controlled stay-cable with MR
fluid damper
• Narasimha Rao Mekala and Rüdiger Schmidt, Modelling
and Simulation of Nonlinear Vibrations and Control of Smart Composite
16.40 Colloquium closing