Oral contributions will be grouped into parallel
sessions, according the the traditional aread of:
- General Mechanics
- Mechanics of Fluids
- Mechanics of Machines
- Mechanics of Solids
- Mechanics of Structures
The following Special Sessions will be organized:
- "The analytical approach to inviscid two
dimensional vortex dynamics. Is it only an ancient issue?"
G. Riccardi (Napoli II)
- "Mechanics of material sand systems at micro- and
C. Comi (Milano Leonardo) - L. Deseri (Trento)
- "Variational models of fracture"
M. Angelillo (Salerno)
- "Experimental methods in structural dynamics"
A. Morassi (Udine) - F. Benedettini (L'Aquila)
- "Innovation and research as support to industrial
M. Callegari (Ancona) - P. Seremellini (SOMIpress)
- "Flow control"
R. Donelli (CIRA) - P. Luchini (Salerno)
- "Biomechanics and biomaterials"
L. Deseri (Trento)
Oral contributions will be 15 minutes long, with 5
more minutes for questions and discussions.
Oral contributions will be preferrably given by using Microsoft PowerPoint;
the files can be sent electronically to the same address and with
the same procedure used for the abstract and for the paper (which
will be before the beginning of the meeting. In any case, it will
be possible to use files on a CD/DVD-ROM,
floppy disk or personal USB flash drives, or to use transparencies.